Category – Operation Issues


Nestle integration is synced by CSD, so the checking on notifications is branches or CSD? For example, if there is verification error, CSD need inform branches or its direct to branches?
Any mistakes made on invoices before delivery, current process direct issue CN to contra. But IRBM directly notify customer for the wrong invoice, customer might reject. Hard copy need to send to customer?
For all legal case, lawyer issue invoice for legal fees. Customer paid. Current practice: HSSB debit legal fees, credit lawyer. Upon received customer payment, debit bank, debit lawyer, credit legal fees. Need F&A advise whether we should issue invoice? If raise invoice to customer for legal fees, will affect process of bad debts submission.
For those contras internally in DMS and D365 without send to customer, do we still need submit e-Invoice?
If we miss out to sync to D365 for some invoices or CN in last month, normally we will sync into this month by change the invoice date to current month. This is usually happen if branches issue without inform CSD or Van Cash Sales. Is it suggest branches to do CN?
Item code in D365 will have combination of item group code and item code. When we submit e-Invoice, are we using item code based on D365 or DMS?
KIV Invoice – Buyer have insufficient space to receive the stock within 72 hours, and supplier will only able to deliver after 72 hours when buyer have sufficient space. What is the SOP for this?
NP Van Cash Sales – customer only required to provide IC copy to open account, how about after the implementation of e-invoice?
Our D365 invoices issued not tally with "Cleared" e-invoices in MyInvois Portal, warehouse proceed with balance cleared invoices? For remaining unclear e-invoices pending, how long to wait?
Referring to the IRBM e-Invoice guidance page 10. Types of e-Invoices to be issued: the Non product CN/DN need to refer back to the previous issued Invoice. How to distinguish the normal product CN/DN (for block display and etc) and this kind of CN/DN in D365? Do we need to have a new prefix and format of document?
Upon the issuance of e-invoice, 72 hours is given to buyer to request for rejection and supplier to perform cancellation. How about if the outstation area which require more than 72 hours to delivered the stock to buyer?
What is the SOP for RIR – warehouse no stock and partial return by outlet?
What is the SOP for the issuance of e-invoice for Zero Transaction?